Irish Social Housing


In December 2021 EMS reached a significant milestone with the completion of all 465 ‘A’ rated energy efficient homes in the 2nd Social Housing PPP Bundle for the TORC Housing Partnership. These homes have been delivered in eight schemes across six counties - Cork, Kildare, Clare, Galway, Waterford and Roscommon - as part of the Government’s Social Housing PPP Programme which aims to deliver around 1,500 new homes in Ireland.

The TORC Housing Partnership was awarded the contract with the consortium led by Equitix who, together with Kajima Partnerships, are the lead sponsors and long-term majority investors in the project.

The construction works, carried out by JJ Rhatigan & Co. and the Spanish firm, Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A (OHLA), commenced on the project in November 2019, with a phased completion between Q2-Q4 2021.

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